Keeping Students Enrolled in College – Texting Tips
Plagued by Summer Melt? It’s time to re-vamp your student communications strategy…
It’s no surprise that the transition from high school to college is full of obstacles and unknowns. But what may come as a surprise is that the summer prior is the most significant period in the college-intending student’s journey, and it is often the most overlooked.
As many as one in five high school graduates who are enrolled in college “melt” during the summer months and don’t arrive on campus in the fall. If you’ve found that your university has been plagued the summer melt, read our blog post, ““Summer Melt”: How to Keep Students Enrolled in College.”
You’ll learn:
- The top “melting factors” including financial burdens, anxiety, and lack of support
- Tips for keeping students “cool” during the summer
- The secret to using SMS to boost enrollment rates
To read the blog post, ““Summer Melt”: How to Keep Students Enrolled in College,” click here.
Best Practices, Education, Mobile Solutions, SMS Campaigns, Universities and Colleges